For Agents
Manage representation details of artists and boost the discoverability and visibility of artist profiles on your roster to 8000+ casting searches.
Operabase has documented operatic activity worldwide since 1996, with over 800,000 performances on file. It records the work of artists in over 3000 theatres, and publishes season information to opera-goers in 34 languages.
The majority of Operabase's information is provided free of charge. The public area contains access to the current, last and announced future seasons. This information can be searched in various ways:
Operabase supplies performance listings to specialist opera magazines, Opera in the UK, Oper! Das Magazin in Germany, Opéra Magazine in France, and Ópera Actual in Spain.
Manage representation details of artists and boost the discoverability and visibility of artist profiles on your roster to 8000+ casting searches.
Enhance your artist profile with Operabase professional tools to showcase your work to 1.3 Million opera professionals and enthusiasts.
Access to the Casting Tool and the historical archives to explore past performances of opera singers and connect with opera artists and their representatives for new opportunities.